Отложенные товары

Товаров: 0 (0 шт.)

На сумму: 0

Ваша скидка: Получить!

Для получения скидки необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти.


Чем больше покупок вы делаете у нас, тем больше скидка!

Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20
Для выбранного цвета изображения нет
    [0] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2202028
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/9/a/9af317f89f5971270a408df7b489469e.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_27_11_19_0540_platino_phm_1
                    [hash] => 0359fdd1f15e8eaa3206dc3e07b2ea42
                    [color] => platino phm
                    [ord] => 5300
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2019-11-27 22:49:50
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/8/3/83457151c9942ca6688060159f88fec8.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2202028
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [1] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234105
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/0/c/0ce1c68473c10f1d231032490141e0d4.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_27_11_19_0544_the_1
                    [hash] => b0533f938de04eefb4a830cdd9af93f5
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 5410
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-07 03:58:17
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/0/f/0f0bdc2cf54372c8af28353fecd5868b.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234105
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [2] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234106
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/a/2/a26cdfb8b564fa44e5df0f531dba9a35.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_29_11_19_1205_the_2
                    [hash] => 2466a7bd79f9e3fb9181606ccd24a956
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 5420
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-07 03:58:17
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/5/6/56ef767036dc3c28cd8062cd1d364be6.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234106
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [3] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234811
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/9/f9d5433c3e91cdd376411fac9ad53f84.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1136_antracite_phm_1
                    [hash] => 34be21ed9acf9c0144a22707b3d61621
                    [color] => antracite phm
                    [ord] => 5430
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:04
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/b/9bb3ee61c9e9a3ec51eb6990075ae82d.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234811
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [4] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234812
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/3/b3c845cd74bd46d3020624e31e3f4d81.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1137_antracite_phm_2
                    [hash] => d553e7df3e54b50170a610840d62b03d
                    [color] => antracite phm
                    [ord] => 5440
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/d/0/d0672b1a68348ba16636b65ca4f960a4.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234812
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [5] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234813
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/d/bd4326b53141ca564f5d5114d161557b.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1138_antracite_phm_3
                    [hash] => 1d6d6ed6a872b1a3c390b04baaa5f862
                    [color] => antracite phm
                    [ord] => 5450
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/f/c/fca59ab2fd768a71e79aca2957587d88.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234813
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [6] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234814
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/6/2/62adca21ee04714e313bdf48e062cc31.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1139_antracite_phm_4
                    [hash] => 0ed4ef5949b9bfe4d678b9f4b8e96283
                    [color] => antracite phm
                    [ord] => 5460
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/8/f/8f57a7e60a0d7bcaf238a5a534b14c1e.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234814
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [7] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234815
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/6/f619206f6400b35410472c034c97710f.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1140_cappuccio_phm_1
                    [hash] => c32342135323e1b4ff1518dbe2e255a0
                    [color] => cappuccio phm
                    [ord] => 5470
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/7/3/73f9e3193e995ce02fb25b2aa31e15e9.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234815
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [8] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234816
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/d/3/d36963c9232ad6c99fd8a12aa9fb6808.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1141_cappuccio_phm_2
                    [hash] => 705a566babb0257dd81f8bc1db4500b4
                    [color] => cappuccio phm
                    [ord] => 5480
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/c/8/c86ab9767808575782e5a220a68a864f.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234816
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [9] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234817
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/5/2/52f21b9c3e4da9b8dca55752bd7eee7d.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1142_cappuccio_phm_3
                    [hash] => 08c05103db26fed4a486e108f7b47d08
                    [color] => cappuccio phm
                    [ord] => 5490
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/5/1/5128b37d3dbabe8e0251bda314dc7f86.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234817
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [10] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234818
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/e/9/e97ac0f8dcf577b0db4b0a271c525087.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1143_cappuccio_phm_4
                    [hash] => 1c06067bd9cd326964be027820824467
                    [color] => cappuccio phm
                    [ord] => 5500
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/4/0/40594f10c39946e63548b52d344f774f.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234818
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [11] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234819
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/7/a/7ad96be2eb13132812ea4824ba801205.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1144_cognac_phm_1
                    [hash] => 3ca5d47cc6486a34e5236dbae34cfece
                    [color] => cognac phm
                    [ord] => 5510
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:05
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/c/9c2a6671b79697012b0011239c003f1a.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234819
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [12] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234820
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/c/a/ca968ab7943ca998bb4fb3a618000bbd.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1145_cognac_phm_2
                    [hash] => 69037850a6d1646de029225c63d2086c
                    [color] => cognac phm
                    [ord] => 5520
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/1/e/1e99681bbc696d38d149b23f67359748.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234820
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [13] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234821
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/2/7/271d887c029bb59b112b158274921bc1.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1146_cognac_phm_3
                    [hash] => 7fbd3d31c693b130007573fceb98d4ba
                    [color] => cognac phm
                    [ord] => 5530
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/b/f/bfb917858a979f8e6355ec77536f2e00.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234821
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [14] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234822
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/c/fcd2a6f46e8d0884c547c377adf7150b.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1147_cognac_phm_4
                    [hash] => 47f64f6c05071f66f18c7c82e4030906
                    [color] => cognac phm
                    [ord] => 5540
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/8/e88f5224bc25ad13b71efa1a78194405.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234822
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [15] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234823
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/0/3/0335a7f0ce2d9c7b1647d04c4b486528.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1148_glace_phm_1
                    [hash] => 93d1202c20baf54d99704ff95abf57e2
                    [color] => glace phm
                    [ord] => 5550
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/0/900c210b01d16bedc11d95a9479a9f2c.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234823
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [16] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234824
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/0/c/0cec08ef5b1bcc8a6686ed468509de67.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1149_glace_phm_2
                    [hash] => 55b0bf451373f3174b821622b1c7ae8c
                    [color] => glace phm
                    [ord] => 5560
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/1/a/1aff6d643bc64083e770001ec8d89a6a.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234824
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [17] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234825
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/2/0/2029dbf5da197cdae6805157775aac18.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1150_glace_phm_3
                    [hash] => 80dae916a48d4b4280b6469ddb8e3adf
                    [color] => glace phm
                    [ord] => 5570
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/d/1/d1721b815ce9c3cbcda6b523b4e2d192.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234825
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [18] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234826
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/8/1/813359f9f91a933e15c66e3f74b30753.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1151_glace_phm_4
                    [hash] => cb9b3aaf374b7ecdf1ba8922e1bda8c1
                    [color] => glace phm
                    [ord] => 5580
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/6/8/689275e90af26e355e3b9f5ede60b287.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234826
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [19] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234827
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/7/7/772fb7ecdc8533e345642815f0f3c632.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1152_nero_1
                    [hash] => 4eb3c1f5c8b3a5cdbf06593d1556d0d8
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 5590
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/3/0/30cc9ad910ce5d17c2a652c519a59417.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234827
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [20] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234828
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/d/d/ddf04b97e5f3815ffa0055dabd395537.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1153_nero_2
                    [hash] => 1da5b17c3a236600033f082c889cc73f
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 5600
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/4/b/4bf9a8ed399ff0ef0b05847f5c70753e.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234828
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [21] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234829
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/1/1/1175fae7fb847a247b4c9adee69eed8a.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1154_nero_3
                    [hash] => b7232e39452bbc43965f1797e9a876a7
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 5610
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/b/0/b00714a692f5527e6ffdbbc296e791b7.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234829
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [22] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234830
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/8/1/812d56ae712536770d62b5da8792891f.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1155_nero_4
                    [hash] => 73d8e6c5957c14a39a42e927946f41e5
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 5620
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/e/eec350938fcc2a883a3e8170ac38ccab.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234830
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [23] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234831
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/c/e/ce9583822eda5269d3d7c2af83119987.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1156_noce_phm_1
                    [hash] => 2c9ebf4b50aac32b455b756001149849
                    [color] => noce phm
                    [ord] => 5630
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/4/8/4810dad8dcaa9df6d2852fd5336bd1bf.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234831
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [24] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234832
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/8/3/838b8afa967eb5ab66fd1948ef9e72ee.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1157_noce_phm_2
                    [hash] => 8ae57c6961577a0093f0441631798457
                    [color] => noce phm
                    [ord] => 5640
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/a/eab0bea7de2c34de711620ed4ecea94c.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234832
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [25] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234833
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/3/2/32516c0ef3909eb0dc415e2e1ae99c40.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1158_noce_phm_3
                    [hash] => c7cc3cc10d4eaf024ee0130d3d6d2ea7
                    [color] => noce phm
                    [ord] => 5650
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/d/d/ddeda86da66ba574073bb41bdb788fa0.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234833
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [26] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234834
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/5/f529ac8433a679c0fe5381ba24f0e2c2.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1159_noce_phm_4
                    [hash] => f246e656cd815ecad638c2c8c131a29e
                    [color] => noce phm
                    [ord] => 5660
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/d/eda110b2a2fe5624d6b5b442eab058ec.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234834
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [27] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234835
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/7/2/728174aa01e30946edaa0073309c6fc6.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1160_playa_nature_phm_1
                    [hash] => 69951a9bf3d359cdbf8e9a22d692816f
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 5670
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:07
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/0/b/0b5cb2d99e177029501a0ee1cb8815b2.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234835
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [28] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234836
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/4/b4aeb5249588105fe387df6f53662bc6.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1161_playa_nature_phm_2
                    [hash] => efdb5e0c1755fa25608c3430ee33f24d
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 5680
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:08
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/6/f/6f1bdbaac7684317bf52b63720586470.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234836
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [29] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234837
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/4/b40a7d925d34ba1caaaa28222d0233b0.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1162_playa_nature_phm_3
                    [hash] => eebb337a3129249091f4ddf491c48f6a
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 5690
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:08
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/8/f/8fa38a74477b2dc5ed57f06567ac52f8.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234837
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [30] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234838
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/0/f/0f139f9d2ab5fa150475f5bfe1d03dc7.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_14_03_22_1163_playa_nature_phm_4
                    [hash] => e3056759c43d714679ca36a12a8dbe95
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 5700
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 12:22:08
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/6/7/674948eb283c1eebf9e1c0222833873f.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234838
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [31] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 9320
                    [id_product_item] => 4886
                    [image] => files/product/images/8/8/88bcc7ef6cee0cf28601bc058c34e4a9.jpg
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/9/1/918179fd9fc952f4f02372849d8e52ba.jpg
                    [name] => oro_20_11_12_18
                    [hash] => beba1b49e4cd41a06194b68b83ed05ed
                    [color] => 
                    [ord] => 1
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2019-04-19 23:09:30
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/1/918179fd9fc952f4f02372849d8e52ba.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => files/product/images/9/1/918179fd9fc952f4f02372849d8e52ba.jpg
                    [check_wm] => 1
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 9320
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 серый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 серый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 серый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 серый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 серый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon ORO 20

Колготки ORO 20

Philippe Matignon

Прозрачные шелковистые колготки с лайкрой двойной обкрутки, плотностью 20 ден. Однородные, с х/б ластовицей и плоским швом.


Полиамид 75%, Эластан 21%, Хлопок 4%

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