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Товаров: 0 (0 шт.)

На сумму: 0

Ваша скидка: Получить!

Для получения скидки необходимо зарегистрироваться или войти.


Чем больше покупок вы делаете у нас, тем больше скидка!

Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20
Для выбранного цвета изображения нет
    [0] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234771
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/8/b/8ba23148b661baf0a2f036cd4b5eb0ba.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1034_nero_1
                    [hash] => d9129ea1cf20d1bcdb89183e2c0bdd55
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 367
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:45
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/4/3/437d91a24c08077644589cbe66c40944.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234771
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [1] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234772
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/c/d/cd91c2fb9f676b6f3bf502540badb922.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1035_nero_2
                    [hash] => dc9f0499f8def7f172d2ea15a21e3484
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 377
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:45
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/0/a/0ac21792fa41bba69408487bfe0c1f74.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234772
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [2] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234773
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/6/e/6eca4af76b3c88e051a74fff687eb578.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1036_nero_3
                    [hash] => a6e7ebc188508584bafd9ffdc52c1c75
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 387
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:45
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/a/9/a988dedbcc2c3f3fe7c58fc9c51258cc.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234773
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [3] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234774
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/5/3/53cba34cd8ece06d8d7b2d018604b8ae.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1037_nero_4
                    [hash] => 78bb75adf81974eee0aed1ca5f209998
                    [color] => nero
                    [ord] => 397
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:45
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/2/9/290978c8964871c4d47c5bccdf5e6d11.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234774
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [4] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234775
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/1/3/1332d536ed83f558897a39917aa2abb9.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1038_playa_nature_phm_1
                    [hash] => d5e1269f830c18be35b8a0c5917068bf
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 407
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/4/e43a9037a6ba50a96c8e190e9d9796a6.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234775
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [5] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234776
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/8/f81d620a82dbc7c3bc0435105cebd14d.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1039_playa_nature_phm_2
                    [hash] => 452a6a9199e2c2022f707b4eee79906d
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 417
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/5/95b1d6f15c5fc56afd30a30cf35144e2.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234776
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [6] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234777
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/f/f/ff821f4bddacb98b6dbf7d8edaab2bbd.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1040_playa_nature_phm_3
                    [hash] => abe96d754cf1593fb5e9f6beb4a79fe3
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 427
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/9/1/915408968e52f1db8c52c97880a757bc.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234777
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [7] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234778
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/2/a/2a17d51caaf69eaa84357cc019d651de.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1041_playa_nature_phm_4
                    [hash] => b1a48030705e01a6b7dce9b84f01f5a1
                    [color] => playa nature phm
                    [ord] => 437
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/e/a/ea2a5c88dcead87c756c1cb3d5a56442.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234778
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [8] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234779
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/2/f/2f9a71c75f6242cd7aab5d548fd20513.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1042_the_phm_1
                    [hash] => b7dcbebe189564b6f15c45ce6c84c22d
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 447
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/7/0/70443e6b5197ecd7bc59fca550e42162.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234779
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [9] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234780
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/5/b5df3ac4caa934a07332ddc1c873dd22.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1043_the_phm_2
                    [hash] => 39e668af76ca469b65693db2a70c8907
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 457
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/1/4/1473545c97801cde2f8ce9a32c8ed00d.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234780
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [10] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234781
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/2/3/237ef0da723800b5777fcd70037da081.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1044_the_phm_3
                    [hash] => 026a317c31f931ff2f4832810d0493e0
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 467
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/6/8/6814d6291ea7d7f6b84f751dfa462af2.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234781
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [11] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 2234782
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => 
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/b/1/b14b3ec5e0177b13dec5a82d365b994b.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_14_03_22_1045_the_phm_4
                    [hash] => 145076c72503b348526d5a99a28b7a85
                    [color] => the phm
                    [ord] => 477
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2022-03-14 10:52:46
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/f/f/ffaaa495a03890754b49b9b524446cf8.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => 
                    [check_wm] => 0
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 2234782
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



    [12] => ProductImage Object
            [useCopy] => 
            [viewAttributesData] => Array

            [rawData] => Array

            [_usePermission:protected] => 
            [_useSearch:protected] => 
            [_useLog:protected] => 
            [_oldAttributes:protected] => Array

            [_fillOldAttributes:protected] => 
            [_workRelated:protected] => Array

            [_workRelatedConfig:protected] => Array

            [_viewTypeMap:protected] => Array
                    [wysiwyg] => raw
                    [textarea] => text
                    [select] => array
                    [checkbox] => boolean
                    [file] => file

            [_isCheckDelete:protected] => 
            [_resetPermission:ItexActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_new:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_attributes:CActiveRecord:private] => Array
                    [id] => 9171
                    [id_product_item] => 9574
                    [image] => files/product/images/f/c/fc725213fe0b484f38e86d194004127a.jpg
                    [image_raw] => files/product/images/0/8/081e345b390572385902d38fc478130c.jpg
                    [name] => nudite_d_or_20_05_12_18
                    [hash] => f30a18065a9af1a2989fd7989c2ec0f5
                    [color] => 
                    [ord] => 1
                    [act] => 1
                    [create_time] => 2019-04-19 23:09:06
                    [watermarked_image_raw] => files/product/images/0/8/081e345b390572385902d38fc478130c.jpg
                    [watermarked_image] => files/product/images/0/8/081e345b390572385902d38fc478130c.jpg
                    [check_wm] => 1
                    [org_image] => 

            [_related:CActiveRecord:private] => Array

            [_c:CActiveRecord:private] => 
            [_pk:CActiveRecord:private] => 9171
            [_alias:CActiveRecord:private] => t
            [_errors:CModel:private] => Array

            [_validators:CModel:private] => 
            [_scenario:CModel:private] => update
            [_e:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [onbeforevalidate] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeValidate


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onaftersave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterdelete] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterDelete


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onafterfind] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => afterFind


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [onbeforesave] => CList Object
                            [_d:CList:private] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [0] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                                                    [createAttribute] => create_time
                                                    [updateAttribute] => 
                                                    [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                                                    [timestampExpression] => 
                                                    [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                                                    [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                                                    [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                                                    [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                                            [1] => beforeSave


                            [_c:CList:private] => 1
                            [_r:CList:private] => 
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 


            [_m:CComponent:private] => Array
                    [FileManageARBehavior] => FileManageARBehavior Object
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 

                    [CTimestampBehavior] => CTimestampBehavior Object
                            [createAttribute] => create_time
                            [updateAttribute] => 
                            [setUpdateOnCreate] => 
                            [timestampExpression] => 
                            [_enabled:CBehavior:private] => 1
                            [_owner:CBehavior:private] => ProductImage Object
                            [_e:CComponent:private] => 
                            [_m:CComponent:private] => 



  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 черный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 песочный
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20 коричневый
  • Колготки Philippe Matignon NUDITE D'OR 20

Колготки NUDITE D'OR 20

Philippe Matignon

Тонкие шелковистые колготки плотностью 20 ден, с мягким широким поясом, невидимым мыском и комфортными бесшовными шортиками в форме кулот. В состав модели входят ионы серебра, обеспечивающие ощущение свежести в течение всего дня.


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